Our Curriculum
Our curriculum is child-initiated and adult led learning using continuous play and small group activities covering all seven areas of learning. We use both inside and outside to deliver this curriculum. Our inside and outside space offers a well-resourced space for children to develop their understanding of the world around them.
We use opened ended resources, loose parts including treasure baskets, tinker trays and heuristic play to allow children to truly explore a range of experiences and deepen their understanding.
The curriculum is built on continuous play and children having access to resources, giving them the opportunity to make choices. Routines and everyday experiences form part of the curriculum. Promoting good manners, British values, having good adult role models and building on their cultural capital.
Our pedagogy is built around several approaches to learning for example Forest school, playing in a natural environment, Froebel, the importance of play and having first hand experiences. Bandura, the importance of the adult as a good role model, adults think out allowed showing thought processes.
We teach children using a range of strategies including good questioning techniques and dialogue to develop understanding and extend learning. We use schemas, knowing the child, talking to parents and children's developmental stages.
Our curriculum changes and adapts to meet the needs of the differents cohorts attending nursery.